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Trans(forming) is a membership organization.
The organization provides services and assistance to those who are members of Trans(forming).

How To Become A Member
How To Become A Member
- Live in Metro Atlanta and surrounding areas, in the South
- Fill out an in-take form
- Meet a member leader of Trans(forming)
- Pay a membership fee
- Attend a minimum of 4 Trans(forming) events a year
- Sign and agree to a confidentiality agreement

Benefits of Membership
Benefits of Membership
- A 13+ year built in sibling-hood
- Support group with up to date, accurate information
- Connection to doctors and other medical professionals
- Document change help and payment assistance
- Housing Assistance
- Surgery support
- Social events
- Prison Project
- Connection to larger community advocacy groups
- Leadership development opportunities
- Volunteer and contract employment opportunities
- Trips to major Trans conferences
Questions about membership email:

Membership Fee
Membership Fee
The Membership fee covers one full year of membership and is as follows:
- $30/year
- $15/year for students and those experiencing financial hardship.
- Membership is free to those who are part of the Prison Project.
- You can renew each year.
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